Saturday, August 1, 2009

"If you want to get a man's attention you have to buzz his tower"

Context: Heard it on a golf channel commercial when a guy tells a girl to hit a ball at a group of douchey guys. I started to laugh and my dad looked at me, smiled, and shook his head.

I definitely love having a camera now and have been practically spamming pictures since I got it. Aaron, it would be awesome to have your pics but the big gap period I was referring to was from October of freshman year to January of Sophomore year. In that 15 month period I have only one set of pics (though that set is pretty epic...DKE jello party with jello wrestling!).

Now all I have to do is survive through monsoon season in Florida.

Ka, I totally agree with you about Bobby Flay. It makes me so happy when I see him lose those throwdowns.

Finally, this is an absolutely amazing a cappella rendition of Africa by Toto. The intro is especially fantastic.

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